Hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy with medical marijuana

Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia

Until the early 1900s, cannabis (usually in the form of tinctures) used to be one of the most common pharmaceutical treatments for many different types of diseases. Later, it became controversial and remains more or less illegal in most places, even though it is far less risky than many other painkillers (NSAIDs for example, or opioids).Cannabis can help types of pain often respond poorly to NSAIDs, acetaminophen / paracetamol and opioids, such as neuropathic pain. Cannabinoids reduce inflammation, act as muscle relaxants and even have neuroprotective effects. They can increase the efficacy of opioids, permitting lower dosages to be used.

Types of Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana refers to both strains suitable flowers of the hemp plant real (Cannabis sativa) or isolated cannabinoids, synthetic or natural. Flowers are often smoked cannabis, but they can also be eaten or vaporized, which creates much less toxic than smoking. The product is probably best known cannabinoid Sativex isolated, a combination of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), the two most important cannabinoid marijuana, although the ratio (1:1) is very different from that in most strains of cannabis. Sativex is mainly used for nausea and treatment of multiple sclerosis, administered as a mouth spray for quick delivery. Nabilone (Cesamet) is similar to THC but less intoxicating. It is mainly used to combat nausea and weight loss in cancer and AIDS, but sometimes also for pain. It is taken as tablets. Dronabinol (Marinol) contains a synthetic derivative of THC in capsule form. It is mainly used to relieve nausea and weight loss. Often, synthetic forms of cannabis are preferred by the authorities, because they are thought to cause lower (and, of course, allow the drug companies to make money with them). Many patients feel cannabis is more effective than cannabinoids isolated - not too surprising that contains tens of cannabinoids and certain other substances which can act synergistically.

Medical Marijuana for Fibromyalgia

Since marijuana has analgesic properties, both against muscle pain and nerve pain, fibromyalgia trying it make much sense. Cannabis can also relieve sleep problems and lift the mood, sometimes even helping fatigue and cognitive problems.Abnormally low levels of endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced by the body) were found in fibromyalgia, as well as some other conditions such as migraine, depression and IBS. These diseases can have been proposed to be caused by a deficiency of endocannabinoid. In one study, nabilone was superior to antidepressant amitriptyline popular tricyclics (Elavil) in improving sleep in patients with fibromyalgia. Peculiarly this study neither drug helped the pain. In another double-blind study, however, nabilone significantly reduced pain and improved functionality and anxiety in fibromyalgia patients, with few side effects.In a study of relatively large tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) alone was found to be an effective treatment for fibromyalgia, pain reduction and psychiatric symptoms. Up to 92% of patients reported an improvement and side effects were mostly minor. There were no placebo (but again with cannabinoids people generally know whether they are receiving the medication or placebo).

Problems with medical marijuana

Cannabis is often demonized as an addictive drug, but is much less addictive than many prescription drugs. Psychological dependence is rarely seen in medical users. The high tends to dissipate in chronic use, but cannabis can also cause dizziness, dry mouth, anxiety, lethargy, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), hypotension (low blood pressure) and in large doses nausea.There is no clear evidence of cannabis which increases the risk of lung cancer or other cancers. As smoke contains carcinogenic substances, THC itself and some other components of the hemp plant has antitumor activity and are being studied as treatments for cancer.A major risk is that cannabis use can trigger psychosis rarely in susceptible individuals. Using chemicals CBD with THC or THC-like may reduce this risk, as CBD has anti-psychotic medications (antipsychotics and based on it are being developed).Cannabis relieves inflammation, reduce immune activity excess. It may also be beneficial in autoimmune diseases, but in some cases (for example, in acute infection) this property can even be detrimental.Cannabis has no real drug interactions, except that sedatives and intoxicants (including alcohol) may increase any intoxication. It can work in synergy with the opioid therapy including low-dose of naltrexone (LDN).Of course, the main problem with marijuana is that it is illegal in many countries. In others, it may be available only on behalf of the patient-base (or through other special systems), only for people with certain diseases (such as cancer or MS) or can be extremely expensive. Although legal restrictions on important medical treatments are unhappy, use of illegal substances is definitely never to be recommended.

Medical supply

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Hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy

Hyperemesis gravidarum: When sickness is persistent

A few days ago, the Duchess of Cambridge, KATE Middleton , made ​​headlines because she was hospitalized for severe nuisance caused by  hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy , disease is a severe form of nausea and vomiting.While many moms who suffer morning sickness During the first weeks of pregnancy,  hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy is constant during the day and can lead to more serious conditions such as weight loss and dehydration. hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy , which affects an estimated one in every 200 women between 2 and 12 weeks of gestation, is caused by elevated levels of certain pregnancy hormones such as chorionic gonadotrifinas, progesterone and estradiol, but actually not completely identified the cause. Also point out that experts could be due to a decrease in the adrenal gland function.Preventing this problem is not possible, but we can distinguish between normal nausea and  hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy and avoid complications that could bring. In the case of nausea, they do not always come with vomiting and can feed normally. On the contrary in  hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy always produces vomiting , hyperemesis that do not improve during the course of the day and you can not keep anything in your stomach as well as causing dehydration.While it is unlikely that this disorder causes a problem with the baby coming, it can be underweight due to poor feeding mother can tolerate in that period.In the event that these hyperemesis gravidarum symptoms , see your doctor so you can monitor your condition and prescribe medication if necessary.

Hyperemesis gravidarum symptoms

hyperemesis gravidarum symptoms a severe form of nausea and vomiting . Suffering hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy Duchess of Cambridge is a severe form of nausea and continuous vomiting that usually occurs in women during the first trimester of pregnancy.Nausea and vomiting may affect around 30% of pregnant women during the first months of pregnancy, according to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists British.It is believed that the probable cause of these evils, which may occur during the day or night, are hormonal changes. About one in every 200 pregnant women suffers from a more severe form, known as hyperemesis gravidarum, according to the National Health Service (NHS) British public. "Hyperemesis gravidarum symptoms may include vomiting, dehydration, fatigue and dizziness," the obstetrician and spokesman Royal College Daghni Rajasingam.Some severe cases of Hyperemesis gravidarum symptoms may require hospitalization to treat dehydration intravenously for a few days, he said."The condition usually refers to the 12th week of pregnancy, and early diagnosis and treatment there is no reason that you can not expect a healthy pregnancy," he added.One study found that in severe cases, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy can profoundly affect the quality of life of women, causing "feelings of depression, difficulties with your partner and concern for the baby's life."But there are many medical options "safe and effective" to treat them, including antihistamines and, in small doses, vitamin B, according to the Royal College.
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